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ZZX.) Incorporating the Breast and Chest (Seattle December 14-15, 2024)


Product Description

Instructor: Lynna Fuller, LMT NCBTMB #1000798

Students will learn massage of the ribcage, chest, and breasts, intended to support healthy, full breathing and overall well-being. This massage commonly benefits clients experiencing stress, musculoskeletal neck, chest and shoulder related weakness or injuries, and also clients with non-cancerous breast related conditions such as menstrual related tenderness, fibrocystic breast tissue and other non-cancerous conditions. This massage also commonly benefits clients preparing for and/or recovering from surgeries, including those for breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast removal/mastectomy and/or open-heart surgery.

The chest and breast massage taught in this class is intended to be easily integrated into a holistic, full body session to relieve tension, stress and pain, and to increase our clients’ ease of movement in both the upper and lower body. This work consistently helps clients feel and connect with their whole body in a wonderful way that many have not previously experienced. I envision normalizing full chest and breast massage within both treatment and relaxation focused massages. I am working for the day when massage of the full chest and breast area will be commonly offered as an option within full-body wellness massage sessions.

Emphasis is placed on making our touch safe, pleasant, neutral/non-sexual, and effective for all clients. In many of the techniques, pressure is directed to the muscles and ribs located deep to the mammary glands. Students will learn massage techniques which are done for all genders with the chest draped and other techniques which are done bare chested/breasted.

This class is not specific only to the breast as relates to breast feeding, breast health, etc., but is instead a way to incorporate this area of the body, and treat the chest wall, in any session for a person of any gender.

This course meets Washington State training requirements for specialized training in breast massage (WAC 246-830-555). More than half the class time is devoted to hands-on massage practice. The balance of the time is spent discussing the issues specific to breast massage listed below:

  • indications and contraindications
  • therapeutic treatment techniques
  • draping requirements
  • appropriate therapist-client or patient boundaries
  • expected outcomes
  • client/patient safety related to breast massage
  • breast anatomy and physiology
  • pathology

NOTE: While this class provides introductory information about breast cancer, it is not intended to cover massage treatment for people living with, or recovering from, breast cancer. Additional cancer specific massage training is recommended prior to offering massage to people living with, or recovering from, breast cancer.

This class is open to trained massage therapists and other professional health care providers with breast massage in their scope of practice.

This course meets the Washington State requirements in WAC 246-830-555 for specialized training in breast massage.

SPECIAL CLASSROOM POLICIES FOR THIS CLASS -- By registering, each Attendee agrees to the following policies:

  • Attendee must be a licensed massage therapist in any US State with an official massage licensing board, or a healthcare professional with breast massage in their scope of practice. If a massage therapist practices in a state without massage licensing, permission from the instructor is required.
  • Attendee must be present for all class hours, including all lecture and technique demonstrations.
  • Attendee understands that this is a mixed-gender class. Full chest and breast areas, including areolae and nipples, will be treated on all genders within this class.
  • Attendee understands that the full chest and breast will be undraped for much of the treatment in class.
  • Attendee is expected to both give and receive all techniques with students of any gender.
  • Attendee agrees to adhere to professional standards and ethics both during the course, as well as when working with the public in a clinical/office setting.
  • In order to receive their Course Completion Certificate, each Attendee agrees to the these policies for this course. Any Attendee who does not adhere to the course rules will be immediately asked to leave the course and will receive neither course credit nor tuition refund.

Discounts: If you are eligible for a discount, please call 206.853.6875 to register or register by mail as the website only offers classes at the regular price.  Only one discount is applied per person.

  • Reviewers Discount: If you have taken this class previously through the Therapeutic Training Center, you may review it at a $85 discount on tuition. The reviewer's price for this class is $255.
  • Bring a Friend Discount: $60 savings - if you register and attend this Lynna fuller class and bring a friend who has never attended a Lynna Fuller class, you will receive a $30 discount on the price of your class and your friend who registers and attends will also receive a $30 discount.

What to Bring: 2 set of sheets, 2 pillow cases (or face cradle covers), 2 hand towels (preferably 100% cotton), bolster or pillow; wear loose clothing. Please leave everything not needed for class in your vehicle or at home. Use a large tote bag (think Ikea or a beach tote) or suitcase to contain your "what to bring items".

Teacher Masking Policy: Masking is recommended, but optional in this class, each person can choose to wear a mask, or not. For our masking policy and how to prepare for class, please click HERE.

Travel Recommendation:  If you are traveling by plane, train or long-distance bus to attend class, please click HERE to read our recommendations for traveling and attending class.


Class Date: December 14-15, 2023
Class Time: Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Location: Seattle Location 1 -- Therapeutic Training Center (please click on the link for location details)
Cost: $340
Cost/Hour: $21.25/hr
CE Hours: 16