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Traveling to Classes

Traveling in the COVID-19 World

If you are traveling to class by plane, train or long-distance bus, we have the following recommendations:

  • Arrive to the city of your class the day before class. If you will be spending time in the city of your class to sight-see or visit with family or friends, please do so after the class. Research shows that it does take some time for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to replicate. Since the act of traveling to class is the most risky and will expose the traveler to the greatest amount of people, attending class right after arriving will place class attendees at the least amount of risk if you do happen to get COVID-19 during your travel. Therefore, enjoy your time sight seeing after class is over to reduce risk to the class.
  • Wear an N95 or KN95 while traveling to reduce your exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  • Do hand hygiene often.

Please know that in-person classes are smaller than normal while COVID-19 is with us. Please make sure that the class is going to be held prior to making travel arrangements.

Thank you for helping to reduce the risk to the class you are attending!