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ZZZM2.) Cupping & Gua Sha for Face, Neck and Chest Healing & Beautification (Seattle March 9, 2025)


Product Description

Instructor: Jason Abbey, LMT

Facial Cupping, combined with Gua Sha, is a powerful ancient healing and beautification technique. For clients focused on the therapeutic healing benefits, it addresses the most common source of pain (tension and stress) in the upper chest, neck, jaw, face, and head/scalp regions; giving massage therapists (and acupuncturists, chiropractors, physical therapists, aestheticians, etc.) the ability to help more clients live pain free.

You will learn how to successfully incorporate Facial Cupping and Gua Sha therapy into your massage or aesthetics practice in a way that not only brings in more clients, allowing you to provide lasting benefits to your clients and maybe even increase your hourly rate with this unique and special modality. We will cover the logistics of pricing and the integration of this modality into your practice in class.

The Facial Cupping & Gua Sha course will teach you how to do Facial Cupping & Facial Gua Sha; you will also receive a handout for your clients for home care designed to show them how to incorporate Facial Cupping & Gua Sha into their day-to-day practice, as well as an opportunity to generate sales on equipment and product for your clients at home care.

While Facial Cupping & Gua Sha also provide relief for issues such as TMJ and chronic headaches, it is most popular for its beauty applications, however the therapeutic benefits extend far beyond a glowing radiant complexion. It is amazing for our skin's vitality and has been used in Asia for thousands of years as a go-to anti-aging secret.

What to Bring: Bring a set of sheets, pillow or bolster, wear loose-fitting clothing. Use a large tote bag or suitcase to contain your "what to bring items". Please leave everything not needed for class in your vehicle or at home.

Teacher Masking Policy: Masking is recommended, but is optional in this class, each person can choose to wear a mask, or not. We do recommend that for the neck and head portions of this classes, that you do mask up when you are practicing, but this is your choice.  For our masking policy and how to prepare for class, please click HERE.

Travel Recommendation: If you are traveling by plane, train or long-distance bus to attend class, please click HERE to read our recommendations for traveling and attending class.


Registration Options: We are offering Jason Abbey's classes at a discounted group rate if you register for both classes at once, versus taking each individual class. If you would like to register for just one or both days, please click on the following links to register, otherwise continue on to register for this class. Please note that by taking both classes, you save $10.

Class Date: March 9, 2024
Class Time: Sunday 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location: Seattle Location 2 -- Staybridge Suites (please click on the link for location details)
Class Fee: $90
Cost/Hour: $22.50/hr
CE Hours: 4