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ZZZZU.) Balance the Nervous System with Tools from Chinese Medicine Day (Chi Constraint & Chi Deficiency): Both Days (Seattle May 17-18, 2025)


Product Description

Instructor: Raizelah Bayen, LMT NCBTMB #1000210

Saturday -- Balance the Nervous System with Tools from Chinese Medicine (Chi Constraint)

In this class, discover the approach of Chinese Medicine to balancing the nervous system. A tense nervous system is Chi Constraint (explored in this class); while a weak nervous system (explored in Day 2) is Chi Deficiency. Chi Constraint may manifest as shoulder-neck tension, insomnia, digestive tension, hyper-rigidity ("Type A" personality), or menstrual cramps. Here you will learn an Aroma Acutouch sequence, using essential oils on Acupressure points, to relieve each of the manifestations of Chi Constraint. Matching the energetic and functional use of the oil to that of an Acupressure point offers a powerful and synergistic mode for restoring balance to the nervous system. 

Sunday -- Balance the Nervous System with Tools from Chinese Medicine (Chi Deficiency)

In this class, discover the approach of Chinese Medicine to balancing the nervous system. A tense nervous system is Chi Constraint (explored in Day 1); while weak a nervous system is Chi Deficiency (explored in this class). Chi Deficiency may manifest as fatigue, weak immunity, poor concentration, depressed Chi or scanty menstrual periods. Here you will learn an Aroma Acutouch sequence, using essential oils on Acupressure points, to relieve each of the manifestations of Chi Deficiency. Matching the energetic and functional use of the oil to that of an Acupressure point offers a powerful and synergistic mode for restoring balance to the nervous system.


Discounts: If you are eligible for a discount, please call 206.853.6875 to register or register by mail as the website only offers classes at the regular price.  Only one discount is applied per person.

  • Reviewers Discount: If you have taken both classes previously through the Therapeutic Training Center, you may review them at a $77 discount on tuition. The reviewer's price for this class is $233.
  • Bring a Friend Discount: $80 savings - if you register and attend both of Raizelah Bayen class and bring a friend who has never attended a Raizelah Bayen class, you will receive a $40 discount on the price of your class and your friend who registers and attends will also receive a $40 discount.

Teacher Masking Policy: Masking is recommended, but is optional in these classes, each person can choose to wear a mask, or not. However, the teacher strongly recommends that students wear masks when working on the neck and head during these classes. For our masking policy and how to prepare for class, please click HERE.

What to Bring: Set of sheets, face cradle cover, bolster or pillow, notebook and pen. Should you choose to wear a mask, you may wear whichever style you want to wear. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Please leave everything not needed for class in your vehicle or at home. Use a large tote bag (think Ikea or a beach tote) or suitcase to contain your "what to bring items".

Travel Recommendation:  If you are traveling by plane, train or long-distance bus to attend class, please click HERE to read our recommendations for traveling and attending class.

Registration Options: We are offering Raizelah Bayen's classes at a discounted group rate if you register for both classes at once, versus taking each individual class. If you would like to register for just one or both days, please click on the following links to register, otherwise continue on to register for this class. Please note that by taking both days of class, you save $30.

Class Date: May 17-18, 2025
Class Time: Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Seattle Location 1 -- Therapeutic Training Center (please click on the link for location details)
Cost: $310
Cost/Hour: $19.38/hr
CE Hours: 8

Other Classes by Instructor:

Next Integrating Chinese Medicine into Massage Therapy (ICMMT) Certification program starts on January 31, 2026. (click HERE for details about Raizelah's Certification Program.)