Registration and Primary Policies
Registration and Payment for Class
- Online: On the website, in the class description of your choice, click on "add to cart" to register--an email will be sent confirming payment and terms. Payment may be made with Visa, Mastercard or Discover Card.
- Phone: Call 206-853-6875 to register. Payment may be made over the phone with Visa, Mastercard or Discover Card. A confirmation of payment and terms will be emailed.
- Mail: Fill out the Registration Form and send it along with a check to: Therapeutic Training Center; PO Box 66864; Seattle, WA 98166. Please make the check out to "Therapeutic Training Center". A confirmation of payment and terms will be emailed.
Once a class is filled, notice will be provided online that registration is closed for that class. Should a registration and payment be received after a class is closed, the participant will be notified of the filled class and will be given the opportunity to be put on the waitlist, transfer to another class or take a full refund. Should a participant who chose to be put on the waitlist not get into their class, they will be given the choice of transferring to another class or taking a refund. All refunds are made by check and will be mailed within 14 days of the particiant's choice to take a refund.
Class Cancellation and Limitations of Liability Policies
To read the Class Cancellation and Limiations of Liability Policies, please read the "Terms and Conditions Policies" by clicking HERE.
Masking and Classroom Policies
To read the Masking and Classroom Policies, please click HERE.
Please show up 10-15 minutes early to sign in and get acclimated with the classroom and facilities. Participants who are 20 minutes or more late, may not be admitted to class. Class reminders are emailed approximately one week prior to class and will provide all of the class details to include location, directions and what to bring. Please double check the items to be brought to class before leaving to ensure you have them.
- Beverages must be in a sealable plastic container.
- Children may not be brought to class.
- Audio and/or video taping is not permitted without prior approval by the instructor.
Inclement Weather
Should weather conditions be severe or an unforeseen emergency exist, the Center may cancel or delay the start of class. Please call 206-853-6875 for a recorded message in the event of severe weather conditions.
Verification of Continuing Education Credit
The Therapeutic Training Center, Inc. will maintain class records for five years. Upon completion of a class, each student is provided with a certificate of completion. If this becomes lost and proof of credit is required, a written request for verification is needed--there is a $10 processing fee. A written request may be made by mail, fax or email. Please provide:
- Student name (current and name at the time the class was taken)
- Course title
- Name of instructor
- Date of class
- Address the verification is to be sent to
Privacy Policy
To read the Privacy Policy, please click HERE.