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Polishuk, Richard

If you have any questions, call us at 206-853-6875 or click HERE to email us. Please click on the class title to see the full class description.

  • ZZZS.) Essentials of Intraoral Massage (Seattle March 22-23, 2025)
    $340.00 ZZZS.) Essentials of Intraoral Massage (Seattle March 22-23, 2025)
    // Instructor: Lauren Christman, LMT, assisted by Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 (This class is full, please call 206.853.6875 to be put on the waitlist. A new class has been scheduled for June 21-22, please...
  • ZZZZZC.) Breathe Easier: Advanced Intraoral for the Sinuses & Airway (Seattle June 7, 2025)
    $200.00 ZZZZZC.) Breathe Easier: Advanced Intraoral for the Sinuses & Airway (Seattle June 7, 2025)
    // Instructor: Lauren Christman, LMT, assisted by Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 Poor air flow contributes to many health challenges, including sinus congestion, narrow palate, and sleep apnea. Manual methods...
  • ZZZZZI.) Essentials of Intraoral Massage (Seattle June 21-22, 2025)
    $340.00 ZZZZZI.) Essentials of Intraoral Massage (Seattle June 21-22, 2025)
    // Instructor: Lauren Christman, LMT, assisted by Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 This class prepares you not only to receive the state's intraoral endorsement, but also to offer your clients excellent work in...
  • ZZZZZP) Myofascial Balancing for the Pelvic Girdle (Seattle June 28, 2025)
    $180.00 ZZZZZP) Myofascial Balancing for the Pelvic Girdle (Seattle June 28, 2025)
    // Instructor: Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 About this Class: The intricate functional problems of the pelvic girdle call for our best attention. In this class, we'll look at the relationship between femurs...
  • ZZZZZZP.) Essentials of Intraoral Massage (Seattle September 27-28, 2025)
    $340.00 ZZZZZZP.) Essentials of Intraoral Massage (Seattle September 27-28, 2025)
    // Instructor: Lauren Christman, LMT, assisted by Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 This class prepares you not only to receive the state's intraoral endorsement, but also to offer your clients excellent work in...
  • ZZZZZZZC.) Myofascial Balancing for the Shoulder Girdle (Seattle October 11, 2025)
    $180.00 ZZZZZZZC.) Myofascial Balancing for the Shoulder Girdle (Seattle October 11, 2025)
    // Instructor: Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 About this Class: Good poise of the shoulder girdle can't be separated from good balance of the upper ribs. We'll work on improving this relationship, which is...
  • ZZZZZZZL.) Myofascial Balancing for Spinal Facet Joints (Seattle November 8, 2025)
    $180.00 ZZZZZZZL.) Myofascial Balancing for Spinal Facet Joints (Seattle November 8, 2025)
    // Instructor: Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 About this Class: In this class, we focus on balancing and decompressing the spinal joints, using gentle techniques and simple evaluation protocols. We find these...
  • ZZZZZZZZ.) TMJ from Above: Advanced Intraoral for the Cranial Base (Seattle November 22, 2025)
    $200.00 ZZZZZZZZ.) TMJ from Above: Advanced Intraoral for the Cranial Base (Seattle November 22, 2025)
    // Instructor: Lauren Christman, LMT, assisted by Richard Polishuk, LMT; NCBTMB #450788-08 However, for some of us, the base of the skull itself (the "cranial base") is unbalanced, creating an asymmetric platform for...