R.) Facial Fusion Massage - Enhanced!

R.) Facial Fusion Massage - Enhanced! ( Seattle, WA / April 27, 2025 )

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Stress is reflected in the face when facial muscles become tense and contract. Unconsciously, we contort our face and creases appear across the surface of the skin as the pressures of the day intensify. This class includes a blend of facial massage techniques that are not only relaxing and rejuvenating, but beneficial for reducing the effects of stress, tension and aging that manifest in the appearance and conditions of the face. The treatment includes a honey pat treatment with myofascial benefits, facial lymphatic strokes, face lift massage techniques, relaxation strokes of various depths and styles, moist heat applications, hot and cold stone strokes and pressure point work that benefits sinus problems and tension headaches. Please note this class is an enhanced, expanded version of the Facial Fusion Massage-4 CEs course. In addition to the original Facial Fusion Massage in its entirety, a honey pat treatment is added along with strokes using a jade roller and gua sha stone. More time is allotted for hands on practice allowing for a more relaxed pace. Facial massage is an excellent addition to massage offerings. It can be added in full or in part at the end of a massage therapy session for a pampering conclusion.

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