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ZZZZV1.) Muscle-Specific Deep Tissue Techniques for the Posterior, Lateral and Anterior Neck (Seattle May 18, 2025)


Product Description

Instructor: Brian Utting, LMT; NCBTMB #451040-09

The neck is a strong, vulnerable and complex structure. It is the most movable part of the spine, and yet is strong enough to balance and support the head (10-11 pounds), even with chronically poor posture. Skillful deep tissue work in this area is not about brute force; it's about precision and strategy, informed by knowledge of the anatomical structures. It's rare to find massage therapists who really know how to massage the neck in a precise, specific way--especially around the small muscular attachments to the transverse processes--even though this is often where the muscles are most frayed and/or inflamed.

In the morning you will learn specific techniques for releasing the cervical posterior paraspinal muscles (longissimus, semispinalis capitis, multifidus), suboccipital triangle, levator scapula (especially the cervical attachments), facet joints, splenius capitus and cervicis, posterior, middle, and anterior scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, and masseter.

In the afternoon we will focus on deep muscle-specific techniques for the anterior neck. Many people learned in massage school to avoid this area, but it responds safely and well to skilled and precise touch. We will focus on the scalene, suprahyoid, infrahyoid, and longus capitus and colli groups. This is really helpful work for clients who have been in car accidents, have emotional issues with their necks or throats, or use their voices professionally (eg, singers).

These are straightforward, muscle-specific techniques that can be immediately applied in practice. The work is well-suited to either treating cervical injuries or improving your spa massage, and will increase your precision, palpatory sensitivity, and effectiveness. Body mechanics will also be a focus of the class as well as proper use of fingers to save wear and tear on joints.

What participants have said about this class:

  • "I honestly learned more in your neck class than any other CE I've taken, and I've been at it almost 13 years." -Tracey B.
  • "I love neck work, and this class took things to the next level." - Heather F.

Reviewers Discount: If you have taken this class previously through the Therapeutic Training Center, you may review it at a $54 discount on tuition.  The reviewer's price for this class is $126 (reg. $180). If you are eligible for the reviewer's discount, please call 206.853.6875 to register or register by mail as the website only offers classes at the regular price.


Teacher Masking Policy For This Class: This is a hybrid version of our new masking policy, there are different masking requirements for the lecture and non-lecture portions of class.

  • Lecture: During the opening portion of class, during lecture, masking is optional, each person can choose to wear a mask, or not.
  • Technique/Demo/Practical: Masking is required during the non-lecture portion of class when doing technique, watching a demo, or doing any close contact practicals. Please wear a surgical mask, N95 respirator or KN95 respirator -- choose what works best for you among these options. Please bring 2 masks or respirators for each day of class, you should only need one per day, but one is a backup just in case. For full details about our masking policy, please click HERE.

What to Bring: Set of sheets, pillow or bolster, 2 washcloths; wear loose clothing. a surgical mask, N95 respirator or KN95 respirator. Please leave everything not needed for class in your vehicle or at home. Use a large tote bag or suitcase to contain your "what to bring items".

Travel Recommendation:  If you are traveling by plane, train or long-distance bus to attend class, please click HERE to read our recommendations for traveling and attending class.


Registration Options: We are offering these 2 classes of Brian Utting at a discounted group rate if you register for both classes at once, versus taking each individual class. If you would like to register for just one or both days, please click on the following links to register, otherwise continue on to register both classes. Please note that by taking the both classes, you save $40.

Class Dates: May 18, 2025
Class Times: Sunday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Location: Seattle Location 2 -- Staybridge Suites (please click on the location link for details)
Cost: $180
Cost/Hour: $22.50/hr
CE Hours: 8

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