Massage Cupping (MC) -- What is It?
Simply defined, "cupping" is a reverse pressure massage. When used in conjunction with positive (compressive) pressure it brings to your practice a well-rounded and thorough approach to holistic bodywork. Via reverse pressure, massage cupping lifts and separates adhered layers of tissue, restores blood flow, stimulates the lymphatic system, promotes deep relaxation, and facilitates healing in hypertonic tissue.
Massage cupping (MC) is the most efficient way to restore circulation, increase ROM, and promote healing to the entire body. Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Pin and Stretch, XXF, etc. have never been easier! Plus MC saves you time and deepens the efficacy of your existing massage modalities and tools you use. It extends your practice beyond that of traditional (positive pressure) massage with your hands as its lifting action engages the parasympathetic nervous system promoting a deep relaxation.
Massage cupping is a highly effective selfcare tool as well an integral part of preventing the two most common challenges LMT's face; burnout and injury. Plus your clients will love it and request you over and over again ensuring your schedule is full! MC's versatile application can help just about anyone that traditional massage therapy is appropriate for. Pro athletes, fitness enthusiasts, weekend warriors, office workers, expecting mothers, and children alike all benefit from MC.
Students will learn:
- The history of cupping
- Sites of caution and contraindications
- A myriad of applications pertaining to each of the different cups (glass, silicone, and vacuum plastic) -- each cup type/style has a specific protocol
- Selfcare uses
- How to market massage cupping to new, existing and prior clientele as well; as well as to other health care professionals for new referral opportunities.