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Integration Days

Integration Days


The four workshops of the Core Series are packed with material. This material needs to be integrated between the classes in order for the student to absorb and learn new material. Integration Days (IDs) occur monthly between workshops to give the student an opportunity to seek supervision on issues related to the application of their learning, client sessions, as well as review and deepen their technical ability and understanding of the material. IDs also allow for the community of students to deepen their connection and set up exchanges or study groups with one another. To embody Cranio-Sacral therapy, one needs to be exposed to its philosophy and application on a consistent basis over a period of time. One needs the encouragement and support for some time to integrate it into the solitude of one's practice.

IDs are an integral part of the Core Series. Students need to attend them all. Missed Integration Days are required to be made up as tutorials.

Note: The 4 seven-hour IDs are generally scheduled on Mondays and Thursdays. The office will do its best to accommodate students from out of town in regards to scheduling.