Craniosacral Therapy - a Healing Art

Craniosacral Therapy ~ A Healing Art with Lauren Christman LMT, CCST, CBSI/ATSI

The next Core Series and Certification programs will begin November 5, 2025.


The Therapeutic Training Center is pleased to host the Craniosacral programs and classes currently taught by Lauren Christman, LMT, CCST, CBSI/ATSI. These programs offer practitioners the opportunity to build a foundation in craniosacral therapy — as a complete and distinct method of manual therapy — and to go beyond that foundation in personalized ways. Coursework in classical craniosacral therapy (biomechanical) as well as biodynamic methods are woven together in the Core Series. From there, students can choose to include visceral, neural and myofascial methods — all taught from the same guiding principles and with the same teaching team. These programs, originally developed by Ursula Popp, LAc, VCST, are based on the philosophy and methods of A. T. Still, William Sutherland, John Upledger, Rollin Becker and Hugh Milne. Since taking over the program in 2017, Lauren has further developed the curriculum, drawing on the work of Ida Rolf, Tom Myers, and Jean-Pierre Barral.

About Craniosacral:

Craniosacral therapy has evolved from roots in manual osteopathy into a method to a gentle, effective mode of treatment for people of all ages and conditions. Using our clarity of attention and depth of listening, we support and guide the body toward balance. Treatment focuses on the fluid body, which bridges the physical, emotional or spiritual dimensions. Craniosacral is centered in stillness and witnessing the unfolding patterns of health, first through the fluid body (the “Tide”) and then further into the dense body.

"I find the most marvelous thing to be the intelligence of the "Tide" expressing itself in the patient as I treat. The process of healing that occurs under my palpatory gaze amazes me. If anyone wants to be inspired in their quest for health, they should have the opportunity to look at how the body heals itself." ~ Paul Lee, DO

Perceiving and working with this intelligence requires a foundation in structural anatomy, particularly of the cranial bones, membranes and central nervous system. This is coupled with a thorough appreciation of the functional nervous system:  sympathetic and parasympathetic responses to safety, stress and overwhelm. Together, structure and function are expressions of our health and intelligence as human beings.

Engaging and freeing the body's self-healing capacity is the goal of craniosacral treatment methods. These methods are gentle – usually accomplished with light touch – and keenly directed – using on-going assessment and simple interventions to invite change. Each session is a creative dance with the integrated body-heart-mind of the client.

About Our Craniosacral Programs:

These programs integrate the biomechanical and biodynamic branches of craniosacral therapy.  Students learn a variety of perceptual skills, assessment methods, foundational anatomy and physiology, assessment methods for local and systemic imbalances, and treatment approaches for each of the three ‘tides’. Additionally, students are encouraged and supported in deepening their self-understanding and self-care practices – fostering the personal maturity and presence that this subtle work requires.

Lauren Christman's Biography: To read Lauren's biography, please click HERE.

Craniosacral Classes and Programs:

Registration and class details are provided in individual class descriptions and programs.

  • Craniosacral Introductory Workshop - 21 hours
  • Core Series (8-10 month program) - 140 hours
  • Certification (18-24 month program) - 230 hours
  • Elective Classes - 21 hours

What To Do If You Have Any Questions:

  • Our student handbook provides all of the training details. To read it click this link: Student Handbook
  • If you have questions about the content of the Core Series, Certification or Elective Classes, please contact program teacher Lauren Christman by email at
  • For all other questions (program details, application, payment, logistics, etc.) please email Robbin Blake of the Therapeutic Training Center at or call her at 206-853-6875.


What participants have said about the Craniosacral Classes and Programs:
  • "Lauren is a strong example of a great teacher. Her ability to combine a rigorous intellectual approach with gentleness, warmth, nurturance and safety was amazing. She brought a tremendous amount to this group with her ability to give space to everyone so that we all felt able to be who we were and learn in our own style and pace without feeling 'less than.'" ~ Fiona Palmer, UK
  • "Craniosacral is teaching me to grow my comfort zone, to trust and believe in myself. It's also teaching me to slow down, be still and just listen, not just in my practice, but in my personal life as well. My entire practice has shifted and grown roots as a result of craniosacral therapy and the Core Series." ~ Jen C (graduate)
  • "I feel like the program has not only taken my practice to a whole different level. I'm also in a whole different, a better place, better able to give and receive. I'm more mindful of my clients and their needs. Lauren is an amazingly gifted, talented teacher. She is not only nurturing and warm, but provides a safe, fun environment that is conducive to learning. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~ Nancy H (graduate)
  • "Lauren goes very deep with her explanations to questions. She really takes her time with her answers, and she approaches the answer from different angles (making sure everyone understands). I love that about her." ~ Brigitta B (graduate)
  • "Lauren Christman graduated from my program in 2003, has assisted me in many classes, and was very instrumental in supporting my program when I started on my own (after I left the Milne Institute). Having her step into my program in 2017 and continuing it could not be more fortunate. I am very grateful and excited to know that she will continue what I started, crafting it with her own unique signature." ~ Ursula Popp LAc, VCST (founder)



Craniosacral Program and Classes Calendar

  • Our calendar page is still under construction.
  • In the interim, our Craniosacral program and class calendar details can be found on page 19 of our Student Handbook. In addition, all details about our program can be found throughout student handbook. It contains a program overview, class descriptions, calendar, tuition and payment plan details, and all of our administrative policies and procedures.

Craniosacral Introductory Workshop

This class introduces basic Craniosacral techniques and provides the analytical understanding of the related anatomy, physiology, and pathology including the core link between the cranium and sacrum, the cranial wave, and individual cranial bones. In addition to the technical and analytical learning, students will practice techniques to develop sensitive hands, an open heart, and the inner stillness needed to apply this work. At the end of this class, students will have the foundation for cranial therapy, including the theories, the personal presence, the ability to perceive the cranial rhythm, and the most fundamental hands-on techniques in Craniosacral therapy. This class is a prerequisite to the Craniosacral Certification Program, Core Series, and some Elective courses.

Class Details and Scheduled Classes

What participants have said about the Craniosacral Introductory Workshop:
  • I want to thank you again for the magnificent Introductory class. You were right when you said that whether we used craniosacral or not, our practices (actually my life) would be transformed by listening and being present in an expanded way. ~ Beverly C
  • This course will positively impact what I do. I can get back to being soft and gentle, use more intuition, and save my thumbs! ~ P.B.
  • I was gushing about your class to my colleagues this morning..that was the best technique class ever! What impresses me is how you took the time to walk in the shoes of the learner and create exercises, metaphors and experiences that make the work accessible. I'm super impressed and inspired...and thankful that you put so much thought and effort into creating your class. ~ Roselie R.

Craniosacral Core Series

Next Core Series begins November 5, 2025.

The Core Series serves as the cornerstone of Craniosacral work. It provides instruction and practice of the most important tools--stillness and presence, as well as the hands-on techniques, anatomy and physiology related to this work. Students will learn to perceive the cranial wave, mid tide, and long tide, and they will learn to use them fluidly to address systemic as well as localized conditions and client concerns. Students will practice activities to develop their communication skills, intuition, and ability to perceive the client's overall energy and health. Students complete the Core Series as a cohort, developing bonds that allow them to explore this work deeply and safely. Students receive a certificate of completion upon satisfying the requirements of the program.

This 8 to 10-month training consists of:

  • 4 Core Classes, each 28 hours over 4 days (112 hours)
  • 4 Integration Days, each 7 hours (28 hours)
  • 45 Client Records (90 hours)
  • 2 two-way exchanges with fellow students between each class (9 hours)
  • Total of 140 in-class clock hours

Craniosacral Certification Program

Next Certification begins November 5, 2025.

The Certification Program is designed for students who want to develop Craniosacral Therapy as a primary modality in their practice. To learn a new method with competence and confidence, requires on-going and consistent exposure to the skills and perspectives. Without that depth, we may pick up a technique or two, here and there, but our fundamental way of understanding the body, its challenges and our work goes unchanged. To change our foundational approach, we need time, repetition and support.

This program offers such a structure through:

  • in-depth exploration of anatomy and physiology within an osteopathic framework;
  • highly focused and well organized instruction in a variety of treatment methods;
  • on-going, specific supervision and feedback from the teaching team; and
  • the chance to study with a consistent circle of colleagues, who become friends.

Elective Classes

These unique classes are designed to enhance and expand any practitioner's ability to work with clients. Each 3-day Elective class allows students to deepen their understanding of osteopathic methods while individualizing their studies to suit their own interests. All students are eligible to take Elective Classes as soon as they have taken a Craniosacral Introductory Workshop -- some classes have additional prerequisites. At their pace and time, Certification candidates must take 4 of the 8 courses, which can be done before, during or after the Core Series classes.

Registration and Information on Making Payments


  • To register for either the Core Series Program or for Certification, please fill out the Application Form.
  • A $270 deposit is required for the Core Series and a $350 deposit is required for Certification. Please make checks out to "Therapeutic Training Center".
  • Mail the filled out registration form and the deposit check to: Therapeutic Training Center, PO Box 66864, Seattle, WA 98166.
  • Upon acceptance, the Therapeutic Training Center will send the student a contract and a copy of the student handbook.
  • Please return the contract back to the Therapeutic Training Center (mail, drop off, or fax) and a copy will be sent to the student.