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Masking & Other Classroom Policies

Masking & Other Classroom Policies & Procedures

Current Masking Requirement (Updated 2/24/24):

Teachers set their own masking policies in their classes.  The class description for every class indicates the level of masking that is required for that class.  

The Therapeutic Training Center reserves the right to require 100% masking for all classes at any time should any of the conditions requiring 100% masking be met in the masking policy stated below.  Should this happen, class participants will be directly notified in upcoming classes that will be affected by this.

Masking Policy (Updated 2/24/24):

At any time, when certain conditions are met, classes hosted by TTCI will require 100% masking in classes. These conditions are:

  • The state hospitalization admission numbers double within a four week period of time.
  • The state hospitalization admission numbers go above 350 per 100,000 per week for 2 weeks or more in a row in Washington or over 100 per 100,000 in Idaho per week for 2 weeks or more in a row.
  • The county or the state where a class is held is deemed to have moderate levels of new hospital admissions.
  • When wastewater COVID increases are significant and state hospitalization admission numbers are rapidly climbing.

When masking is 100% required, teachers using their own discretion, may opt to teach the lecture portion of class unmasked if:

  • They maintain at least a 6-foot distance from students.
  • They stay within 9 feet of the air purifier in their room. The air purifier must be on at least level 2 of 4.

When masking is not 100% required, each teacher may select the masking option for their own classes, which are:

  • Masking is optional for each person in a class.
  • Masking is optional during the lecture portion of class and required during the technique/demo/practical part of class (referred to as the "hybrid" option).
  • Masking is required for each person in a class at all times while in the classroom.

Please note, when every teacher selects their own masking policy, some may have masking optional, while others may require 100% masking in their classes.  Also, not all classes are the same, so the same teacher may choose to have different masking requirements for their classes depending on what they are teaching. 

Please make sure you read the masking requirement in the class description for the class(es) you are interested in and register for.  Refunds will not be provided if you show up for a class and you disagree with the masking requirement for that class and refuse to attend or are asked to leave if you do not follow the masking requirement.

What to Bring -- PPE:

  • When masking is required in class, unless otherwise indicated in the class description, a surgical mask, N95 respirator or KN95 respirator are the only masking permitted -- please choose what works best for you among these options. Cloth masks may not be worn, nor masks with vents. Please bring 2 masks or respirators for each day of class, you should only need one per day, but one is a backup just in case.  If you have breathing issues, please call Robbin at 206.853.6875 to discuss options. A facemask or respirator is required to be worn at all times in the classroom.  Masks may be taken off once you leave the classroom, to the personal preference of each person.
  • When masking is optional, any type of facemask may be worn to the comfort level of the person wearing it.

Preparing to come to class:
Please use a large tote bag or suitcase to bring your things in to include your pillow or bolster if you bring one. If a pillow is required, please make sure it has a plastic/vinyl cover over the pillow and under your clean pillowcase. 

Arriving to class:
Please arrive 15-20 minutes early. When masking is required, please have on a surgical mask or N95 respirator (or N95 equivalent such as a KN95) when you enter the classroom.

Once you arrive at class, you will fill out a brief written health intake. We ask that everyone still maintain social distance of at least 3 feet as much as possible when not doing assessment or massage. 

TTCI will have the following PPE items available for sale if you need it:

  • Surgical Masks -- $1 per package of 2
  • KN95s (3M Model #9501 earloops and #9502 headloops) -- $3 each

These PPE items are being offered at cost, plus sales tax rounded up to the nearest dollar. If you need to purchase PPE, please bring check or cash, we cannot accept credit cards at this time for them. If you have any questions on PPE, feel free to send an email at info@theratraining.com.

During class:
At the beginning of class, we will review the logistics of moving around in the room, sanitation procedures, any required PPE, classroom features, etc.  We will provide all of the sanitation supplies needed.  We also provide additional air purifying in the form of large medical quality air purifiers in the classrooms we use.

Not feeling well or have symptoms (to include allergies):
If you have been having symptoms that match up with COVID-19 symptoms (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html), cold, flu or any other respiratory symptoms within 14 days prior to class, or think your symptoms are just part of allergies or other chronic conditions that you might have, please call us at 206.853.6875.

If you end up just not feeling well for any reason within 14 days of class we ask that you call 203.853.6875 to discuss your symptoms.  If you wake up the morning of class feeling ill, we ask that you stay home and call 206.853.6875 as soon as you make the decision. If you start having any kind of symptoms during class, we also want you to take care of yourself and head home -- just let the instructor know before leaving.

Known COVID-19 Contact Within 14 Days of Class:
Please call 206.853.6875 if you have been informed that you have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the start of class.