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If you have any questions, call us at 206-853-6875 or click HERE to email us. Please click on the class title to see the full class description.

  • A.) The Ethics of Treating the Whole Client (Webinar December 11, 2024)
    $60.00 A.) The Ethics of Treating the Whole Client (Webinar December 11, 2024)
    // Instructor: Joseph Rodin, LMT, Certified Trager Practitioner; NCBTMB #681 A trap of the healing arts professions is feeling that we do or must have all of the answers to help with the full spectrum of our clients...
  • I.) Ethics for Washington LMTs (Live Webinar January 19, 2025)
    $70.00 I.) Ethics for Washington LMTs (Live Webinar January 19, 2025)
    // Instructor: Dawn Schmidt, LMT Ever wonder what your rights and responsibilities are if you are sexually harassed by a client? How the state defines a kickback? What you can legally sell? For how long are you...
  • ZZS.) Ethics From a Humanist Perspective (Live Webinar February 9, 2025)
    $70.00 ZZS.) Ethics From a Humanist Perspective (Live Webinar February 9, 2025)
    // Instructor: Sherise Gueck, LMT What does it means to be a humanist?Humanists stand for the building of a more humane, just, compassionate, society using a pragmatic ethics-based outlook and practice of human reason,...